Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Somewhat-Proud Owner

Ya, my computer is starting to be pretty good...doesn't kick ass or anything but in the past month or so I have doubled the ram and hard-drive capacity and got myself a firewire card(just bought it today.) Now once my equipment from cleo's comes in, I'll have a pretty sweet recording setup. The Firewire card was suprisingly cheap..only 55 bucks. The kit that allows you to have a port for it at the front of your computer cost nearly 80. crazy.

I broke my glasses the other day and have yet to take them in and get them fixed. I found my old ones so they are doing the trick for now. I'm gonna get the others fixed tommorrer. ANyway, I'm going to buy strings for my acoustic..which Jeremy has right now. And to see if Cleo has got my stuff in yet(probably not..it hasn't been that long, but a guy has to have hope.)

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