Friday, February 03, 2006

tsk, tsk, tsk.

I'm sorry. But this war is very disappointing. Jeremy and I have both given everyone much laughter and something to read when they are bored. We have posted almost 5 times a week, sometimes more, not very often less. And this is the thanks we get? To be bombed into oblivion? I'm sorry everyone. But Jeremy has given far more to the blogging community than Dave. Jeremy has multiple blogs, his own template. Has helped me and others figure out how to write different types of code. He has held contest and given out prizes. Dave on the other hand promised a full week of posts about his trip to Chile, have they come yet? no. His post about the Star Wars night was promised for the week after it happened. It has just happened in the past week now, a little late. I'm sorry everyone, but I am disappointed. How about this. If you join us, I will give you a picture link above my title banner and I will give you the official Andrew Pilon seal of approval. Shanna, sorry, I'll just give you the picture link and buy you a slurpee next time I see ya....if you join us.

Now, I know this sounds liek I'm begging for you guys to join us. And maybe I am. But reason and logic have so far failed. I don't know where else to turn to. Now, Jeremy may have other ideas.....DOn't think he is begging. I am the one. But I'm not even begging. I am offering something in return for services rendered to me. The link will be designed by me unless you have one you want me to use. And the seal of approval can come in two colours of your choice. One for the back and one for the writing. Shanna, if you want to change the colours on yours that's ok...but only trhe colours. If it is changed in any other way, people will know that it is a fake.

That is all I have to say.

2 Idiotic Remarks:

Anonymous Anonymous whined...

I'm still behind you Pilon's. I'll fight to the death. I bomb Dave ruthlessly and get all my friends on messenger to do it too. I've probably gotta Dave at least 20 bombs. And my price in return is very little. Nothing actually. I know the rewards will reap heavily upon victory. Dave even gave me an award and I still didn't buy into his bloggnig BS. Anyways behind you or in front whichever you prefer, till the end.

Friday, February 03, 2006 3:42:00 p.m.  
Blogger Pilon, A whined...

you didn't bring me anything from CHile..and we weren't enemies then.

Friday, February 03, 2006 3:44:00 p.m.  

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