Thursday, February 09, 2006

Well, Shit.

I have got to learn how to read schedules. I went into work today and everyone's standing there going, "Andrew doesn't work today, does he?" Ya, I don't. Not until Saturday. Fuck. Now I'm gonna have to go read Jeremy's last post when he says I'm awesome so that I can make myself feel better again. Shit.

Sent out my application for PAVI over in Vancouver. It will take awhile for that to get there seeing as it's through the mail. Sent one off to RAC in Montreal. I sent it over the net though. I got an e-mail back within two hours saying they need my marks from school, a 500 word essay thingy about my personal msucial and technical and my reason for applying, I'm almost done that already. They also need two reference letters, only one of which I know who to get from. I'm gonna ask Clint for one but I have no idea who else. Maybe I'll just get Jon to whip me up one. Hey, it's says it can be personal! So what if it's not correct. Fuck Off. They also need my resume and my birth certificate. A lot of stuff but i guess I better get crackin'. I'm still waiting for a response from the RAC in Toronto. I'm not sure whether to go to PAVI or RAC in Montreal so far. the head guy at PAVI seems more down to earth and like a good guy where-as the Montreal dude just seems like that typical school head guy in the movies. But on the other hand the RAC actually phoned me to ask if I had any questions and to make sure everything was going well. That said I got an e-mail last night from the head dude(what do you call them anyway?) at PAVI saying I can e-mail him if I have any questions. Both schools look like they have very good hardware to work with. The biggest problem is that neither have dorms so I would have to find an apartment to live in. It's extremely expensive in both places but more so in Vancouver. I don't know. I haven't even finished applying yet so I'm getting ahead of myself. If I get accepted at both I'll probably go to the Montreal one because It will be cheaper in the long run. Even though I hate the French so very, very much. Fucking Frogs.

Got some Movie Reviews for ya:

The Legend of Zorro: THis one continues after the Mask of Zorro. Zorro has a kid, his wife and he have a divorce only it turns out that she divorced him to spy on another evil guy. blah blah blah happy ending. If you liked the first one you'll like this one. They are pretty much the same movie with a different story line. It worked for me. I give it 8.5 Z's out of 10.

Wallace and Gromit: the Curse of the Were-rabbit: IT's a fucking Wallace and Gromit movie, of course it's great. We actually watched the three shorts and the movie last night. All are hilarious. I would suggest picking this up and watching it. asically Wallace and Gromit have a rabbit cathcing company and while trying to brainwash the rabbits to not like vegetables they turn Wallace into a were-rabbit and a rabbit into Wallace......Fucking Hilarious. The rabbit is the perfect stereotype of Wallace. I give it 9 Cheese's out of 10.

Also you may notice that some of the banners you guys submited are gone. If they were the wrong size, didn't clearly stat the name Randomization(so in differnt languages counts as not being clearly, sorry guys) or the colour cheme just didn't work for me(ya, that's yours Dave) Tehn I moved them to the bottom of the page. All in all the only ones left are the ones I made and Jeremy's. Have a nice day.

3 Idiotic Remarks:

Blogger Soulfood whined...

I would ask for a reference from Gary Frederickson if I were you. Only trouble would be getting it from him...

Oh wait! Even better...ask Mr. Hortness. They both know that you're good with computers and know you well from school.

And I can't believe I WON your fucking contest and you take down my banners! The one with the embarassing pictures of Jeremy could have stayed up top! Bastard.

Thursday, February 09, 2006 3:27:00 p.m.  
Blogger Pilon, A whined...

They are still there. just look at the bottom and refresh a couple of times until you see it.

Thursday, February 09, 2006 4:04:00 p.m.  
Blogger Soulfood whined...

I KNOW they're still there. You said it in your post. I'm pissed cause they're not at the TOP anymore.

Friday, February 10, 2006 2:15:00 a.m.  

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