Sunday, February 05, 2006

Oink Oink.

Well, got some more movie reviews for ya today and a little bit about my life. Been working with Clint a bunch lately, It's gonna be good money in the pocket. And I work at McDonalds again tommorrow. I can't wait till I get more hours and start making more money.

I'm thinking of buying a keyboard(actually, a synthisyser, ya it's spelt wrong, so sue me). Jon was showing me a couple that are only 150 bucks. I'm still thinking about it though and it definetly isn't on top of the list of my priorities. School comes first. Although, a keyboard would be nice once I am going to school so that I may record it. Although I want to buy a laptop in which I can hook instruments drectly into it. That way I can take it anywhere I want and record shit easily and in a decent quality and then come home and back it up on my desktop comp. I really don't like using this thing as a main computer because it likes to fuck up a lot. But, those still don't come until after the school thing.

Watched 5 more are my reviews:

The Quick and the Dead: Another Sam Raimi film, and you can really tell, his style is all over that movie..truly a great director. This movie is about a girl who journeys to a town to join a shooting competion comprising of a bunch of stand-offs. She wants to kill the "owner" of the town becasue he was the reason her father died. A really good story and very well shown. I give it 8.5 5 dollar guns out of 10.

Predator 2: Just liek Predator 1 only in the city and with Danny Glover instead of Arnold(Danny Glover, Jeremy, not Morgan Freeman) Not as good as the first but decent anyway. I give it 7 Jamacian crime lords out of 10.

Thumbsucker: an Indie film with some big names. This is the the story of a 17 year old boy who sucks his thumb. He eventually stops due to hipnosis and his resultant depression due to not being able to suck his thumb ends up making everyone think he has add and he begins taking meds. IT follows through the rest of the movie with his family friends and a lot of self-realization. A little wierd but a really good movie. I would suggest you watch , no matter who you are. I give 'er 8.5 thumbs out of 10.

Full Metal Jacket: A Stanley Kubrick classic. I now know wy Jeremy likes this movies so much. THis is the movie that follows one man through his training for, and involment in the vietnam war. An extremely good movie that gets a little sick in some parts. Plus the drill seargent rules. 9.5 Poon-tangs out of 10.

Doom: Ya, I saw it. It was pretty good. Could have used some work in the dialogue portion though. And the first person scene kicked-ass. It's up there on the list of greatest shots. Still not as good as the one TOny Jaa that was fucking awesome. Anyway, I'll be generous and give it a 8 imps out of 10.

There you have it folksorzs. Enjoy the rest of your day..good night!

3 Idiotic Remarks:

Blogger Soulfood whined...


I will be buying a desktop once I get a real job. You could buy my laptop off me cheap. However, I have also made this offer to you'll have to fight to the death ove it...using forks only as weapons.

Monday, February 06, 2006 12:56:00 a.m.  
Blogger Pilot whined...

man Andrew keep doing such great reviews, extend them a bit and we could do a movie review site. It would rock.

And Movie Factory could sponsor us! lol.

Monday, February 06, 2006 1:35:00 a.m.  
Blogger Pilon, A whined...

Shanna, I don't want your laptop..I want mine with a bunch of custom attachments..I'm not sure if I can get them on a laptop but I'm hoping. And Jeremy..I like sponsors.

Monday, February 06, 2006 12:21:00 p.m.  

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