Tuesday, February 07, 2006

More shit in the bag.

Not too much new to say but I felt like making a post again today. Sent off applications for school. I have to do a shitload of writing and shit like that to explain why I want to go to the schools and what experience I have. Kinda sucks but I'm gonna have to do it if I want to be edumacated. Got an invite to my cousins wedding. Seeing as I haven't ever had a conversation with him, him being much older than me, I probably won't be going. But hey, you never know.

Broken Flowers: Bet you didn't see this review comin'. This movie stars Bill Murray as a computer guy who has many flings with women, they break up and he moves on to the next girl. He gets a letter one day saying he has a son but there is no signature. He sets off on an adventure to visit his old girlfriends from 20 years before and his journey progressivly gets worse and worse. He does not find his son, although at one point he thinks he has, and who knows, maybe he has. A very good movie, even if it had a lot of parts that just showed people sitting there doing nothing much. Although at points it added to the mood or point that was made but at times it just made the movie drag on. All together a very good movie though. I give it 8 pink flowers out of 10.

1 Idiotic Remarks:

Blogger Soulfood whined...

Yeah, I doubt I'll be going to that wedding either. I'd feel more than a little awkward.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006 7:28:00 a.m.  

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