Saturday, October 07, 2006


Sitting here on the friday night of a long weekend all by my lonesome listening to The Mars Volta and doing some house cleaning on my computer. Aren't I the party animal? My land-lady is out of town for the weekend, which is awesome cause she is driving me up the wall. She's one of those people that always has to be doing something and gets pissed off when other people don't do something very productive. She hates how I sit in my room during the evening and watch tv/play computer/play guitar. She's always telling me that I should go watch tv. Fuck you bitch. She also won't listen to a word anyone says, she thinks she knows all about everything. She gave me a complete rundown of the music industry the other day and how it she knows I don't know but everything she spouted off was a pile of bullshit and she wouldn't listen to me when I tried to correct her.

Also, I bought a candle to burn and get rid of the stench that was in my room. She doesn't like the smell. But she won't listen to my when I tell her it's the candle. I did my laundry the other day and dumped my clean clothes in the coner, seeing as I have no dresser and not very many hangers. She wals in not 30 minutes later and tells me that my pile of clothes is smelling because something died or took a crap in it and I have to clean them up. I told her three times that I just washed them but she wouldn't listen so I hung them up and then she walks in again and after looking into the closet and my clothes hanging in there tells me that I shouldn't just hang up a few and throw the rest on the floor....there was not a single piece of fabric on the floor in the entire room. I nearly smacked her.

Been watching a lot of Star Trek and CSI lately. They are about the only things on the tv all day. Which I'm not complaining about. I enjoy watching them. It's funny. I watch about 5 hours of tv a day right now and all I have is cable, I used to only watch maybe 30 minutes a day at home when I had satellite. Meh, whatever.

Internet is a lot more stable these days. It actually stays connected and I can surf the net at a decent speed. For some reason I still can't get on msn though. Which sucks....I want to talk to someone. Whatever. I'll probably be back in Weyburn by the end of the month.

Going further in depth in the classes it's starting to occur to me that I'm not cut out for this line of work. Everyone else in the class is way ahead of me(a bunch of them recorded before and just came to make sure they are doing it right so I'm not comparing myself to them), and I'm enjoying it less and less because there is a lot of stuff I just don't understand. And I'm not taking Music Theory into that equation. Everyone is having trouble with that class. Fucking Music Theory. On the other hand we actually recorded someone in the studio the other day, although us students didn't do too much, I learnt a lot and had some fun. We had to record a guy playing acoustic and singing at the same time. It's difficult because you get the vocals bleeding into the acoustic mix and visa-versa. But we(mainly our teacher) managed it. And it sounded pretty damn good. The guy playing was a mix between Chris Isaak and Johnny Cash. He was really good. His "manager" told us that he had hitchiked all the way from Ontario hoping his luck would change. Things are looking up for him.

Fuck I'm cold. my landlady keeps her house at 18 degrees all day. I'm used to 22-23. I'm fucking freezing all the time and she keeps telling me to open my window. The only way I can get it a decent temperature is by leaving my heating blanket on full blast for about 5 or 6 hours with my computer running too.

Anyway, I should let y'all go seeing as I know how much y'all(Jeremy) hate it when someone goes on and one and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on all the time. Chow.


3 Idiotic Remarks:

Blogger Jonny whined...

Yay! A reason for Jared and I to go back to Weyburn every other weekend!

Saturday, October 07, 2006 1:38:00 p.m.  
Blogger Pilon, A whined...

What do you mean ever other weekend? It'll be every weekend...and every other Wednesday! I command it!

Saturday, October 07, 2006 2:46:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous whined...

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Saturday, October 07, 2006 7:06:00 p.m.  

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