Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Well, it's almost christmas and I finally started, and finished, my christmas shopping on Saturday. The two people that I knew what I was getting for I had the most trouble getting presents for. oh well, It's done. You know, I love Christmas but I hate the time before Christmas. Having to shop and all that. What the hell do you get people??

Went to Dave's Nerd Party '06 on Sunday. It featured the show Firefly. A Sci-fi mixed with westerns. Good show. Ended up being named Nerd King. I answered some questions right and then beat Jon in Guitar Hero 2. So I got a Burger King crown and a Jayne figure in an elegant ceremony. Many embarassing pictures were taken then we moved on. Didn't get home till 3:30 so needless to say I was a little tired the next morning.

Anyway, part of the party also included the Firefly movie Serenity. SO, here goes.

Serenity - The crew of the Firefly class ship, Serenity, try and figure out what to do with one of thier crew members who was trained and brain tampered by the alliance. Secrets are found and revealed and two of the best characters are killed off. I figured either no one should of died or everyone should have. It wouldn't have changed the story either way. And they died in really shitty ways. Also they kinda changed it from what the tv show had said was happening. Not the best but a decent movie. I give her 7.5 reavers out of 10.

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