Monday, May 29, 2006


FInally found the last two packages I was looking for in GTA:VC. I was getting discouraged because they were in the last 15 I searched for but I found one and then two places later I found the other. Nice to have that out of the way. Didn't take as long as I thought. I remember getting both of them before though..just forgot to save.

GOing up to Saskatoon with Jeremy and the Parents on Wednesday so that Jeremy can get his other eye done. THat's all I know about that situation.

Bloodrayne - Uggh, where do I start??? Uwe Boll is a douchebag. Ok, the fight scenes were terriblle. I could have done better coreographing(or hawever it's spely). The fights were forced, had very choppy movement and the blood and gore was eteremly overdone and very, very fake. I could have done better with Ketchup. Although some bigger(not big but decent) actors were in it, none of them put on a good performance and a lot of times it sounded like they were reading the line, then saying it, then reading, then talking. THrough all this there was a story line thas was hard to follow and some decisions made by characters that just didn't make sense. like Rayne trying to defeat the enemy by giving herself up and getting thrown in jail with no plan on how to get out. THe story line was pretty good but the movie just needed a better director to better use the budget and to coax some better acting out of the actors. I think all the actors could have put up a better performance(well, maybe not Billy Zane). Oh, and for some reason they had a Bloodletting montage at the end. They just showed a bunch of the crappy bhloody sequences at the end for no reason, some of the people were bleeding like they were from Kill Bill. All in All, I get the idea that this movie is a corvette but Uwe Boll just doesn't know how to drive. I give it 4 spontaneous jail sex scenes out of 10.

2 Idiotic Remarks:

Blogger Soulfood whined...

You're coming!!?? Good thing you told me. I need to start warning the citizens of Saskatoon.

How many days until the end of the world?

Monday, May 29, 2006 2:42:00 a.m.  
Blogger Soulfood whined...

Check this out...Jeremy got his eye surgery 6 days before the 6th day of the 6th month of the 6th year.

Oh, and Andrew's fortune cookie at lunch said "Your brother will go blind."

Creepy shit.

Thursday, June 01, 2006 11:02:00 a.m.  

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