Saturday, May 06, 2006

Stuffage to the Maxage!

Not too much to say today, gots a movie review for ya's all.

Going to Saskatoon with the 'rents and Shanna on Monday. Won't be back till thursday. I can't wait to get out there. I'm really excited. Shanna's nervous because of her fear of high places but she'll get over it. I wish I could take a new camera over there. mines been acting up coupled with the fact that it's a peice of shit in the first place. I've got my eye on a 450 dollar Digital SLR at Wal-mart. I'd go somewhere else but I don't want to have to pay too much. I think it will do what I want and then some, allowing me to do some fancy stuff with it. Unfortunatly I only have 300 bucks, I need another 150 and I don't get paid till thursday, the day I come home. That said, If I can find a good deal on one I might get the 'rents to lend me some money in Vancouver, if I'm lucky.

Without A Paddle - Three childhood friends set out on a treasure hunt when the forth member of thier group dies. To fullfill his wishes they set off to find the treasure of a parachuter and end up being lost in a farest being chased by drug dealers and bears and getting into all sorts of trouble. A very funny movie. I would suggest you watch it. It kinda got all sappy with the good ending and having a good message coming across at the end but whatever. I give it 8 bear phones out of 10.

2 Idiotic Remarks:

Blogger Pilot whined...

Saskatoon eh?

Sunday, May 07, 2006 12:32:00 a.m.  
Blogger Pilon, A whined...

It seems so. I thought we were going to vancouver but my blog post says otherwise. And in all matters it is correct.

Sunday, May 07, 2006 2:08:00 a.m.  

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