Sunday, July 08, 2007


That's right...I'm making a guitar strap out of a seatbelt...Just need Michelle to do some sewing for me. It's gonna be awesome.

Been playing around with my amp a lot. Got a really good distortion coming out of my Metal Zone pedal but the distortions coming off the amp are lacking. Just noticed Chris put up his setting on a post below which is awesome. Been searching around for some settings like that. I'm going to work with those and see what I can do. Thanks Gumbo.

I think the next purchase is going to be a guitar. Not sure what kind yet but I'll figure that out later. Leaning heavily on spending the money and just going big and getting a Gibson SG. Can't go wrong with those.

Found a new place to live in seeing as I am getting kicked out of this house. I';m going to be living at the Greystone apartments. I'll be saving some money and will have a dishwasher(kick ass!) but I'm going to have to be quiet WHich sucks seeing as I just bought a really fucking loud amp. Ah well...just have to play it somewhere else.

Watched a bit of Live Earth yesterday. just a couple groups. Spinal Tap kicked ass but sadly I didn't get to see the new song they wrote for the show. However, they some advice that I think you should all take to help save the environment. Make sure you throw everything away twice.

Fantastic Four 2 - Not so Fantastic. I love how they just happen to have a device to hold the surfboard just laying around. And it only takes one man a few days to build about a dozen different complicated devices. I thought this movie was about as bad as the Fantastic 4 car in it. I never even got to see Jessica Alba naked...but so close! I give it 4 Fantastics out of 10.

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