Thursday, July 06, 2006


Just got off three long days and I'm enjoying 2 days off. I ended up working 5-12 at work and working during the day at the lions fair booth. I couldn't get away from the hamburgers and I was getting pretty pissed off, Plus assign the fact that I had to stay late after work(till 2:30 one night, 1:00 another and 12:45 the other) because the one night maintenence guy is sick and I either have to do a crew close or help the one maintenece guy. Plus It's been incredibly busy all the nights and I wasn't able to start my closing lists, which are usually mostly done by 11 till about 11:30. But the days are over and on two of them I will get a little over time so all is well. Signed for a $10,000 loan so I can go to school. They offered more and I'm still going to apply for the canadian student loan. If I get it I would like to buy a Mac Laptop because that's what the school uses but my mother has suddenly done an about face. Up until today she couldn't stop asking me if I wanted to buy a new computer and today I said I wanted to and she got all pissed off at me. Not even sure why I'm going to fucking school. Everyone else seems to want me to go more than I do.

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