
The Lyricist

I may be a huge music lover, but I've never tried to hide the fact that lyrics aren't my thing. Not only am I terrible at writing them, I usually can't understand what a singer is saying. I don't mean just the usual ones. I probably misunderstand more lyrics than I get right. Nothing like not knowing what someone is saying a realizing years later that they are just singing the title of the song. I don't feel like it's a bad thing that I don't worry about lyrics too much. I've known MANY people in my life that judge if a song is good or not solely on what the singer is singing about. I'm prefer the Tool theory of singing in that it's just another instrument like the rest, even if Maynard does write some of the best lyrics out there. If it sounds good, I don't care about the lyrics (As long as they aren't racist or something like that). My favorite are "Are you mowing the scarred burrowed hair? Pasty rage, gross berry and lime." L...

New Year, New Me

I'm getting a full body and brain transplant from a fellow named Porcupine McSandwich. Nah, I'm just kidding. I can't afford that. Been catching up on music this last week. Without listening to music at work my listening slows down. I finally got rid of the Christmas music suggestions yesterday. Over the Christmas holidays I started watching some YouTube videos on pedals, which is majorly fucking dangerous for my wallet. The ones I got into were from JHS pedals. Sounds like good pedals but I also liked how he would explain why certain old circuits aren't just better (Similar to the digital vs. vinyl debate. Not better, just different) and he'd also show how to use the pedals. And not just his own. He's a pedal lover and creates these ones cause he loves other pedals as much as I love my tuner, which I will likely be buried with, but that's another topic. I've said for years I'd love to make one, something like a distortion is super easy by all accoun...


The readers of this blog will already know that my grandmother passed away yesterday at the ripe old age of 99. She was an amazing woman who never backed down from a challenge and lived her life showering others with love. I still have the two grandparents on my mothers side that are alive which I fully realize makes me an incredibly lucky person to have been able to know my grandparents for so long. It has got me doing some thinking though. I don’t know if it will head anywhere but I watch a lot of history YouTube videos. They are generally war videos. as that seems to be the main form of communication for humans, but there are others too. As a white male in his thirties, I am endlessly interested in the two world wars though. I also have a grandfather that repaired planes in the second one and a great grandfather that I am told fought in the trenches of the first. But, I don’t know anything about either of these. I think my dad and some uncles could fill in some details about my gran...

Happy Hanumas

Ah, Christmas. I've mentioned before how I'm not a huge fan but my current job closes between Christmas and New year's which is a wonderful break. This year, the wife and I did very small presents (super Mario shirt!) And instead bought paint to do the main floor of the house. We are also going to build a small table for behind the couch so it isn't going through the wall anymore. It's not the finest stuff too do and I hate painting but it's for the best. I let Daniella pick a nice turquoise color cause I am horrible at picking colors.  I've got everything mudded and we are about half way through taping at the moment. Still not sure how I'm going to do the stairs. Maybe get some bags as parachutes and paint as I got slowly fall? It's nicer that we cannot take our time with it. I keep thinking we have to be cover in 3 days but we have seven. I keep forgetting that I'm old and will be able to do stuff news year's Eve and day. The dogs are the o...

An Elegant Gazelle

I've been very busy with work these last two weeks, due to some stuff mentioned in my previous blog. But, Christmas is fast approaching so I am trying to push that aside and talk about some other things in my life. I thought to myself, "Hey! Navigator! What should you write about this week?" So, I began to put together a shitty mental list of two or three things. I thought I might talk about my clumsiness since I stubbed my little toe on a door really badly but I haven't been too clumsy lately. Then the stress of the last two weeks happened. I'll just adjust the showerhead and have the whole thing pop off. Wonderful. Still need to fix that properly. It's barely hanging on. I really took Fred Durst to heart when he said "Damage Objects." But, Wednesday topped them all. As with most people, I have to go outside into the snow. I also have to park my car close to a snowbank so I don't have much room to get in the door. Yeah, you know exactly where th...

Eat My Remote Once, Shame On You...

Eat my remote 5 times, just shame. All around. I know, I know, I should put it up higher. But that would require remembering to place it by the TV and then I'd have to remember to grab it before sitting down. And I'm lazy! The funny thing is that I've been putting a shopping list together on Amazon of things we need to buy to help with Dash. Stuff like the maze food bowls and some additional toys. The remotes popped up as a suggestion so I threw them up there as a joke and Sadie chewed apart number four that night. This was on Monday and last night she got number five. Luckily two remotes is only 18 bucks so they are a fairly cheap dog toy. I also don't have much spare brain capacity this week to do things like put a remote away. We recently got a new associate VP  for our group that has more construction experience that the other two VPs and he is making his presence known. Which is mostly a good thing, but stressful. Our group recently went to the...let's just cal...

I forgot a title again?

2024 is getting closer to ending. First we have to navigate the time of Christmas. I don't want to say I dislike Christmas but I've also never been the biggest fan. I find having to figure out what to get people super stressful. I never know what to get them and end up doing it last minute. The last couple of years I've managed to get a few week head start which is nice and I'm hoping to do the same this year. It also helps a lot that Belle is going to Disney with a bunch of her cousins so they all need spending money. Presents done! Daniella and I want to skip gifts for each other and paint the main floor of the house instead but whether or not that actually happens is up in the air. It might cost too much money. It's nice to be able to throw that kind of stuff in there though to get something for both of you at once. Sure, it's not as nice as some new underwear but it's still nice. It's nice having our own place that we can do almost whatever we want w...