
Copying the Copy Cats

One of the downsides of my lovely wife is that she is a big Nickelback fan. It's not the only band of hers I'm not a fan of, and to be honest, there are worse bands, but it is the most noticeable. I've been known to wade into the debate of if they are good or not before but these days I mostly just say I don't like them and leave it at that because people can like what they like. AC(lightning bolt)DC have been playing the same song for decades and I enjoy their music so I'm not one to talk. One of the things that I never enjoyed about Nickelback, and many of the other bands at the time, is that they were copying the popular bands from their time. Nickelback came out of Pearl Jam. Limp Bizkit came out of Rage Against the Machine. And so on. With my wife's music tastes though, and a few of my own, I've discovered something new about copying the old bands. There are groups that are coming out now that are stealing that same Eddie Vedder voice, but it's done

Aging Like Fine Milk

Well, well, well, if it isn't the anniversary of my birth. Again. It tends to come around at least once a year (Earth year......happens a lot more times in a single Neptune year). I'm 37(?) this year and definitely have a higher load of stress than when I was four. At least I'm not two again. THAT was a stressful birthday. Pretty sure my brother chopped off my head the day before and gave it back to me as a birthday gift. I can certainly say I was relieved to get it back. I think anyone who would dare read this blog is either a friend or family who are all older than me, even if by just a few months, and therefore have already been through this. My wife is hitting 40 this year so I'm not even gonna dare to say I feel old. I don't feel old though. I just feel out of shape. I had lost a bunch of weight before I got Capone shortly after I got him but I've packed it all back on since I moved to Saskatoon. I struggle to go out for walks because three dogs is too many

Religiously Scientific

I think this blog has enjoyed too long of a life in the spotlight without enough real controversy. So, today I'm talking about Scientology. Why!? I hear you scream at your computer. It might surprise you to learn that I actually end up defending it a bit. We all know that it was started by L. Ron Hubbard, a science fiction author known for making up many stories, including MANY related to his experience in the military during WW2. But all of this isn't what I wanted to talk about today. The exact details of the religion don't really matter to this discussion. Currently, over in the middle east, there is a war going on with Israel seeming to want to fight everyone. I'm not going to get into my thoughts on that war as they are more complicated than what the news would have you think (Though the thought of my phone exploding in my pocket is terrifying). The main thing is that there are groups like Hezbollah, that whether or not their beliefs are correct or not, have decide

Dreaming of SCIENCE

My brother from the same mother over at Pilot's World made a post this past week recalling and discussing the attack against the World Trade Center towers in 2001. It just so happened that at this time I have been listening to Dream Theater again. I had stopped listening a few years ago as I will usually obsess over a band and listen to them too much and get bored. I bring them up in regards to the two towers because they were in New York recording an album at the time. Four of the five members were born and raised there. On a future album they wrote a song about the attack. And in a band where all the members write lyrics, who is the one that got to write the song about an attack in their own city? James Labrie, the Canadian from a small Ontario town called Toronto. I don't know the circumstances of this decision, whether he just showed up with the lyrics or if it was planned but I love this. Get a 'neutral' party to do it instead of trying to decide who to get. I say

This Title Was Here When I Posted Originally, I Swear.

Friday. The day before Saturday. El grande day before the weekend. The ol' end of the work week. The Razzmatazz after the boringmatazz. Friday. Did you know that Friday is the reason Moses told the Pharoah to let his people go was because it was the end of the day on a Friday and they had a kegger to get to? It's also why Jesus walked on water. He wasn't gonna but they were drinking on a Friday night and Judas was all like "Hey! J-slice! I bet you can't walk on that water" and Jesus was all like "Hold my beer, bitch." Assassination of Franz Ferdinand? It was a Sunday, but the assassins were hungover and grumpy from a rave on Friday. The Beatles playing on the roof? Friday told them to do it. The ooollll' crazy lazy Friday. I was watching some YouTube the other day, as I do, and just kinda jumping from subject to subject. JWST in one video, Brooklyn 99 clips in another and then I stumbled upon some interviews with special forces veterans. Seals, D

A Day in the Life

I have a pretty steady schedule these days. The pups don't like it when I stray too much, especially when it comes to feeding them.....and when feeding them means feeding Capones. While there are some similarities to how I used to roll, there are many changes as well. So here, for your consideration, is a list of my daily routine. 12:00am CST(SK) - Sleep 12:30am CST(SK) - Sleep 1:00am CST(SK) - Sleep 1:30am CST(SK) - Sleep 2:00am CST(SK) - Sleep 2:30am CST(SK) - Roll over still asleep. 3:00am CST(SK) - Sleep 3:30am CST(SK) - Sleep 4:00am CST(SK) - Sleep 4:30am CST(SK) - Sleep 5:00am CST(SK) - Sleep 5:30am CST(SK) - Sleep 6:00am CST(SK) - Curse the gods that allowed an alarm clock to be invented. 6:30am CST(SK) - Crawl the fuck out of bed, take the dogs outside, feed the dogs, eat breakfast, take the dogs outside. 7:00am CST(SK) - Shower and get ready for work. 7:30am CST(SK) - Wait for my wife knowing I am going to be late for work again. Drive to work. 8:00am CST(SK) - Curse the g

Bucket List

Everyone has a bucket list, even if it isn't written down. It's just a part of the human identity to have one. Across cultures that are far enough apart, people can seem like aliens from another planet but, we all have blood, bones, and a bucket list. Mine has evolved over the years, as I image most people's do as they age and mature. What once was unimaginable to add to the list is near the top. And of course this goes the other way too. It's also not just growing up or maturing that changes a bucket list, but the current environment you find yourself in. For example, now that I live in my own house, my list has shrunk and become more specific as my environment becomes more comfortable. But, none of this is news to anyone. As I stated at the top, everyone has a bucket list. So, I will do what you are yelling at my screen: show you my bucket list. Obviously, it could end up a big list, so I will just put the top five items below. If you want to know more, you simply nee