Thursday, November 01, 2007

V is for Explicit Content

Yes I'm still thanks to you...Bastards.

Went up to Regina last weekend and hung out with Jeremy. Played some Wii and watched a Linger practice...It was pretty cool. I was gonna go up to Regina again this weekend but instead I had to buy some clothing for work. We aren't allowed to wear Bunny-hugs anymore because some guy was wearing the hood and put his helmet on top and it fell off. He then was hit in the head and killed. Next we won't be able to wear heads because the helmets will still fall off of them.

Picked up Guitar Hero 3 yesterday. It started off with mostly crappy songs but they are getting better. Plus I beat both Tom Morello and Slash in guitar duels...just like in real life. It's pretty fucking awesome.

Also picked up the new(and first) CD from Puscifer entitled V is for Vagina. I was surprised to see it at Wal-Mart but they had a big explicit content sticker over the word Vagina. So far it sounds pretty good but is much different than any of Maynard's(Tool, A Prefect Circle) other stuff. Which is no surprise cause that's what he said it would be like. Also picked up Serj Tankian's(System of a Down) solo album entitled Elect the Dead. Haven't listened to it yet...didn't even know he had one till I saw it at Wal-Mart so I figured I'd pick it up. By the looks of the song names is gonna be a bunch of the same political music..which is alright.

Good bye.

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