Monday, October 15, 2007

Letters and Such.

A letter to the makers Advil:

Dear makers of Advil,

You guys kick ass. Thank you for inventing your Cold and Sinus medicine. It's what keeps me from blowing my head off with a shotgun when I have a cold...well, that and the lack of a shotgun.

From: Andrew Pilon

A letter to the makers of NyQuil:

Dear makers of NyQuil,

You guys kick ass. Thank you for making Nyquil so that I can sleep at night when I have a cold. It's what keeps me from blowing my head off with a shotgun when I try to get some sleep and I have a cold...well, that and the lack of a shotgun.

From: Andrew Pilon

A letter to the makers of Sudafed:

Dear makers of Sudafed,

You guys kick ass. Your non-drowsy Sudafed keeps me from blowing my head off with a shotgun and in conjuncture with Advil cold and sinus makes me barely know I have a cold...well, that and the lack of a shotgun.

From: Andrew Pilon

Sorry folks...Just had to get that out of the way. So ya, I have a cold and I had to work all weekend. I've had a minimum of 10 hours a day for 6 days straight. Today, number 7, I only had 9. I'm pretty sure it'll be the only one. Taking so many drugs that I'm too high to realize I'm sick is about the only thing getting me by right now. There was a few minutes at work today that I thought I was gonna collapse but I least it was real easy work....for me anyway.

I could have gotten out of work yesterday...Pat asked if I wanted to go home but I figured the money wouldn't hurt and so far the cold is only affecting my head so I knew I wouldn't throw up or anything. I've worked with cold's like this before....Fucking McDonald's. They didn't even give me the choice..I tried to call in sick but nooooo....Andrew's gotta go make food with a cold...that's a great fucking idea and the health inspector loves when people do that!

Anyway..I better stop typing...I've been in a really bad mood for the last two days because of the cold and I'm gonna stop myself before I say something stupid....I already nearly beat the shit out of one of the guys I work with yesterday...he deserved it but it's probably better that I didn't.

1 Idiotic Remarks:

Blogger Soulfood whined...

I dare you to actually send those letters.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007 5:08:00 p.m.  

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