Happy Hanumas
Ah, Christmas. I've mentioned before how I'm not a huge fan but my current job closes between Christmas and New year's which is a wonderful break. This year, the wife and I did very small presents (super Mario shirt!) And instead bought paint to do the main floor of the house. We are also going to build a small table for behind the couch so it isn't going through the wall anymore. It's not the finest stuff too do and I hate painting but it's for the best. I let Daniella pick a nice turquoise color cause I am horrible at picking colors.
I've got everything mudded and we are about half way through taping at the moment. Still not sure how I'm going to do the stairs. Maybe get some bags as parachutes and paint as I got slowly fall?
It's nicer that we cannot take our time with it. I keep thinking we have to be cover in 3 days but we have seven. I keep forgetting that I'm old and will be able to do stuff news year's Eve and day. The dogs are the ones most confused. Everything isn't where is supposed to be!!
We also mailed the timing as over got some kind of throat issue right now. Very dry like I'm getting sick so I hope it stays away. It's also the perfect time off the month for my wife.
And we have no stepdaughter too get in the way cause she's down in LA at Disney Land. Her Aunt felt bad she couldn't make it to her grad so took her there. I can only imagine how broke my parents and their siblings would be of they did that for each of their "Nibblings".
But, as I sit here, break time is coming to an end. Apologizes for the grammar, punctuation and capitalization errors in this post. I'm typing on the work iPad without a keyboard and it's not worth it to go back.