An Elegant Gazelle
I've been very busy with work these last two weeks, due to some stuff mentioned in my previous blog. But, Christmas is fast approaching so I am trying to push that aside and talk about some other things in my life. I thought to myself, "Hey! Navigator! What should you write about this week?" So, I began to put together a shitty mental list of two or three things.
I thought I might talk about my clumsiness since I stubbed my little toe on a door really badly but I haven't been too clumsy lately.
Then the stress of the last two weeks happened.
I'll just adjust the showerhead and have the whole thing pop off. Wonderful. Still need to fix that properly. It's barely hanging on. I really took Fred Durst to heart when he said "Damage Objects."
But, Wednesday topped them all. As with most people, I have to go outside into the snow. I also have to park my car close to a snowbank so I don't have much room to get in the door.
Yeah, you know exactly where this is heading.
In scooching my way to the drivers door I slipped. Luckily I was facing the side of the car and just ended up sitting in the snow bank. No harm done. All well. Got up, got in the car and carried on. Didn't even pull anything. I dodged a bullet with that one! Or did I? DUN DUN DUN!
Yeah, after three hours of sitting at my desk furiously doing work I tried to get up. My entire right thigh was tight as fuck and my lower back was sore. Getting into the late forties sucks. Especially when you get enough physical activity to have the body of a 60 year old.
I ended up having to go to site later Wednesday and walk around so that helped loosen up my leg a lot. Thursday it was still a bit sore and I'm limping a bit but seem to have avoided disabling myself.
Slipping on ice also may not be considered clumsy like a lot of other things, but most of my clumsy times occur from me being lazy or rushing and if I had just flattened the snow out beside my car instead of walking on a bunch that had an obvious ~20 degree slope on it, I would not have slipped. Though I probably would have killed my shoulders chipping the snow away. I need one of them heated driveways.
The snow cleaners do a good job but I don't expect them to chip away at the snow I've driven over a hundred times. Though it would be nice of them.
But I get today off again and, unlike last week, I'm not going to do any work today. If other guys can go to Hawaii for two weeks, I can take a day off. My next blog post comes after Christmas where I have very big plans that I won't do because I am not a billionaire. I'm proud to have have successfully made it this whole post without mentioned Chris-FUCK!!!
But I did have a funny moment yesterday while walking Liberty. Like his departed sister Leika - he's a permanent pulling dog. We got to 8th ave by the school and he got into heavy pull mode. I just bent my knees, got into water-ski position and let him pull me up the street. I mean hey- if he's gonna pull, make something of it.