I forgot a title again?

2024 is getting closer to ending. First we have to navigate the time of Christmas. I don't want to say I dislike Christmas but I've also never been the biggest fan. I find having to figure out what to get people super stressful. I never know what to get them and end up doing it last minute. The last couple of years I've managed to get a few week head start which is nice and I'm hoping to do the same this year.

It also helps a lot that Belle is going to Disney with a bunch of her cousins so they all need spending money. Presents done! Daniella and I want to skip gifts for each other and paint the main floor of the house instead but whether or not that actually happens is up in the air. It might cost too much money. It's nice to be able to throw that kind of stuff in there though to get something for both of you at once. Sure, it's not as nice as some new underwear but it's still nice.

It's nice having our own place that we can do almost whatever we want with. I can paint it, smash it, put it in a stew and it doesn't matter. Also means I have more to take care of but meh. At least I don't have to shovel. Daniella has plans for every room in the house but just cause she's planned it doesn't mean it will happen. As far as styling goes though, she's the boss. Any time I try to pick a colour palette or make things look good it just gets worse and worse. I'd be one of the worst interior designers around.

Just snot green and neon pink everywhere.

Anybody who as looked at my Minecraft, Fallout 4, Valheim, 7 Days to Die, Terrarium, etc. builds knows that though. I build Russian. Large concrete buildings that could survive the apocalypse. With a single red wool block for a splash of colour. God, I love a good wool block.

Games like that are great for letting you do your redecorating stuff without having to ruin your actual place. Plus I can build a cannon or something like that. Boom boom, motherfuckers. I suppose I could build a cannon in real life.

Let's see, I'll use the barrel of one of my paintball guns as the barrel. The bolt assembly from one of my paintball guns can be the air valve. Paintball gun tank can be the air holder. Ammo can be paintballs. Only thing left is the trigger....hmmmm. The barrel of my other paintball gun! Done. Free cannon! Just duct taper it all together and Bob is your uncle.

Also, if you haven't watched Drain Cleaning Australia on YouTube, you're missing out. He's living the life. Nowhere else anyone would rather be!

Man this blog is all over the place.


Pilot said…
All over the place indeed. Phew how to comment on that one?

I guess I'll just say, I'm not fan of Christmas and December is a terrible month. Too busy, too expensive and too much responsibility to be a thing or in a place you don't want to. It feels like another one of those things another generation gave us that we just really don't want but feel compelled to keep around in the living room because we don't want to make grandma cry.


I'm taking Monday off