Aging Like Fine Milk

Well, well, well, if it isn't the anniversary of my birth. Again. It tends to come around at least once a year (Earth year......happens a lot more times in a single Neptune year). I'm 37(?) this year and definitely have a higher load of stress than when I was four. At least I'm not two again. THAT was a stressful birthday. Pretty sure my brother chopped off my head the day before and gave it back to me as a birthday gift. I can certainly say I was relieved to get it back.

I think anyone who would dare read this blog is either a friend or family who are all older than me, even if by just a few months, and therefore have already been through this. My wife is hitting 40 this year so I'm not even gonna dare to say I feel old.

I don't feel old though. I just feel out of shape. I had lost a bunch of weight before I got Capone shortly after I got him but I've packed it all back on since I moved to Saskatoon. I struggle to go out for walks because three dogs is too many to walk and if I take them one at a time the others flip the fuck out. Especially Sadie if you take Capone. Since she met him, she's been away from him about three times just to take one or the other to the vet. Last year I just took both at the same time. I could take just two of them but adding the third is too much. I've tried.

But yeah, suffice it to say, I have excuses. I really don't want to walk at lunch. I tried a couple times but it's so loud and ugly in this area of town and there are no nearby sidewalks so it's just a stressful situation. Excuses are great. Always there to help my lazy ass be lazy. Though it does tend to bite me in the ass, like when I have to carry an injured Capone up the stairs (Partial ACL tear again, Capone? Get new material, dude.)

All of this is just to say that I hate saurkrau--no wait. That I don't feel any older than my twenties, but I think that's mostly because my body breaking down is covered by my poor shape. I should get my ass in gear again before it gets too hard. If I hit 50 in this shape it's gonna hurt. It's just hard to get the motivation. I know health is important, but playing video games is one of the most important things for my mental health and I tend to just gravitate to those.

But I guess this is the life I lead. Coming up with poor excuses for problems that are most certainly first world problems. Maybe I'll just enjoy my birthday for what it is: a celebration that I get to live longer due to the fantastic work of doctors, scientists and that one dude from Gwar. They do some good work that needs to be supported more and more. In fact, if we support them enough they will some day invent a shot that means I never have to exercise or stop eating again. It'll be amazing.

Until then, I'll just keep slipping the grim reaper a 20 whenever he comes around.
