Religiously Scientific

I think this blog has enjoyed too long of a life in the spotlight without enough real controversy. So, today I'm talking about Scientology.

Why!? I hear you scream at your computer. It might surprise you to learn that I actually end up defending it a bit. We all know that it was started by L. Ron Hubbard, a science fiction author known for making up many stories, including MANY related to his experience in the military during WW2. But all of this isn't what I wanted to talk about today. The exact details of the religion don't really matter to this discussion.

Currently, over in the middle east, there is a war going on with Israel seeming to want to fight everyone. I'm not going to get into my thoughts on that war as they are more complicated than what the news would have you think (Though the thought of my phone exploding in my pocket is terrifying). The main thing is that there are groups like Hezbollah, that whether or not their beliefs are correct or not, have decided to make a military and use force and violence to push their beliefs.

Side note: this isn't limited to just Hezbollah. There are many groups that do this, whether it's Iran clamping down on women, the Talban taking over Afghanistan or many others. Hezbollah has been involved in news stories recently and were the ones I researched most recently.

Using violence to control people isn't new, and while many, many religious leaders will condemn violence, it happens all to often in their Gods name. I know, you're shocked that this could be happening under your nose.

Really, it's nothing new, but I recently read that Cedric Bixler-Zavala from The Mars Volta used to be a Scientologist. He left due to them being controlling and just big douchebags which I applaud. It got me thinking though, Scientology is without a doubt one of the more peaceful religions on the planet. Most religions at least have extreme sects that strive to control people like the Scientologists do so all of that really just puts them equal to most of them.

I think far less people have been killed in the name of Scientology than in the name of Catholicism or any of the other major religions. People like to sneer and look down on them but if they do they should be doing to others as well.

This is a shitty defence of Scientology and nothing new to anyone. I'm generally just anti-religion as my opinion is that the people that have done good in religion don't outweigh the people who have done bad. And that doesn't even include if those people would have done good even if religion didn't exist. The ten commandments are good and all, but if you are killing to uphold them, you need to learn to read again. 

So, I guess this isn't so much me defending Scientology as it is bringing down everything else. I'm not going to step into that battle as I don't think that helps anyone and there is no way I would win but just continue on with my heathenistic ways.

I'll admit, not a great blog post. Maybe I'll have something good next week for my biRTHDay.


Pilot said…
While I see the point you're trying to make about Scientology here, I take issue with some of your conclusions. Sure they don't have the body count of Catholics or Snake Handlers but they haven't been around long enought to rack up the score. Hitler didn't hit his stride until his 30's.

I think you may have missed some of the information out there about the abuses and controversies tied to the Church of Scientology. They might not be out there starting wars but I contend they are far from being, " without a doubt one of the more peaceful religions on the planet." Not to mention they're more often described as a group of Corporations, not a religion.

Unless you're now a member of the Church in which case, Hail Xenu!
The Navigator said…
Fair enough. And don't get me wrong. I do think they are bad on the whole. I don't really see any positives coming from them where at least there are some nice Catholics, Hindu's, Jews, etc out there that follow the teachings of peace. And you're right that part of the reason they haven't killed anyone is probably down to the fact that they just haven't gotten powerful enough like many a church.

Humans don't Crusade like we used to. Probably for the best.