A Day in the Life

I have a pretty steady schedule these days. The pups don't like it when I stray too much, especially when it comes to feeding them.....and when feeding them means feeding Capones. While there are some similarities to how I used to roll, there are many changes as well. So here, for your consideration, is a list of my daily routine.

12:00am CST(SK) - Sleep

12:30am CST(SK) - Sleep

1:00am CST(SK) - Sleep

1:30am CST(SK) - Sleep

2:00am CST(SK) - Sleep

2:30am CST(SK) - Roll over still asleep.

3:00am CST(SK) - Sleep

3:30am CST(SK) - Sleep

4:00am CST(SK) - Sleep

4:30am CST(SK) - Sleep

5:00am CST(SK) - Sleep

5:30am CST(SK) - Sleep

6:00am CST(SK) - Curse the gods that allowed an alarm clock to be invented.

6:30am CST(SK) - Crawl the fuck out of bed, take the dogs outside, feed the dogs, eat breakfast, take the dogs outside.

7:00am CST(SK) - Shower and get ready for work.

7:30am CST(SK) - Wait for my wife knowing I am going to be late for work again. Drive to work.

8:00am CST(SK) - Curse the gods that allowed jobs to be invented.

8:30am CST(SK) - Curse the gods that allowed jobs to be invented.

9:00am CST(SK) - Curse the gods that allowed jobs to be invented.

9:30am CST(SK) - Curse the gods that allowed jobs to be invented.

10:00am CST(SK) - Curse the gods that allowed jobs to be invented.

10:30am CST(SK) - Curse the gods that allowed jobs to be invented.

11:00am CST(SK) - Curse the gods that allowed jobs to be invented.

11:30am CST(SK) - Curse the gods that allowed jobs to be invented.

12:00pm CST(SK) - Have lunch. Yum yum.

12:30pm CST(SK) - Curse the gods that allowed jobs to be invented.

1:00pm CST(SK) - Curse the gods that allowed jobs to be invented.

1:30pm CST(SK) - Curse the gods that allowed jobs to be invented.

2:00pm CST(SK) - Enjoy the music I am listening to. It's quite good.

2:30pm CST(SK) - Curse the gods that allowed jobs to be invented.

3:00pm CST(SK) - Curse the gods that allowed jobs to be invented.

3:30pm CST(SK) - Curse the gods that allowed jobs to be invented.

4:00pm CST(SK) - Curse the gods that allowed jobs to be invented.

4:30pm CST(SK) - Run out the door at work, hop in my dragster, pick up my wife and head home.

5:00pm CST(SK) - Feed the dogs, take them outside, do the dishes and start cooking supper.

5:30pm CST(SK) - Keep cooking supper. Tell Capone to stop whining about me not playing with him and Sadie to stop mooching.

6:00pm CST(SK) - Eat it!

6:30pm CST(SK) - Take the dogs outside. Look around the garage and decide I'm going to organize the mess tomorrow.

7:00pm CST(SK) - Play video games. Get interrupted by Capone whining and play with him for a bit.

7:30pm CST(SK) - Play video games. Get interrupted by Capone whining and play with him for a bit.

8:00pm CST(SK) - Play video games and watch YouTube. Laugh at Sadie and Dash wrestling.

8:30pm CST(SK) - Play video games and watch YouTube. Get crushed by Cuddle Capone.

9:00pm CST(SK) - Walk around the house to do something. Decide against it, sit down and play video games.

9:30pm CST(SK) - Say I'm not going to bed. Go to bed as Dash whines that mom is already upstairs.

10:00pm CST(SK) - Plug my phone in, roll over attempt to sleep.

10:30pm CST(SK) - listen to my wife finally turn off the light, roll over and immediately fall asleep. Get kicked by dogs running in their sleep.

11:00pm CST(SK) - Fall of a cliff to my death. Realize I'm fine.

11:30pm CST(SK) - Sleep

Repeat from beginning.

I know what you're thinking. Damn, Navigator! How do you handle so much excitement in a day? Well, the thing is that I believe I can see the future. 'Cause I repeat the same ro--NOPE. Bad Navigator!

That was too close. But to answer your question, it takes a massive amount of willpower to do it. More than most humans have. I think the only other person who has ever had as much willpower as me is probably Michael Collins. "Leave me floating around the moon while you hop around? Oh no....the door won't open. what a shame."

I'm just kidding. Michael Collins is a class act, 100%.

You ever look at something you built, said or in this case, wrote, and thought: Jesus spaghetti monster, how is this not ADHD? I suppose the fact that I can sit down and actually type all of this is one thing.

Speaking of ADHD:


Pilot said…
Your "Curse the gods that allowed..." comments remind me of a thought I had last night. I was watching the newest video from on of my favourite YouTube channels, Primitive Technology (https://youtu.be/UdjVnGoNvU4?si=1W_7f8ese0CSjDzr). It occurred to me that early man - like right after caveman but before bronze-age man - really spent all their time playing with mud and playing with fire. Like we have LOST OUR WAY.

All I want to do is make mud pies and light shit on fire. Is that so wrong?