Friday, July 20, 2007

RUSHing to GEDDY There Early Was a Good Choice in LIFESON!

hehehe.....always a good one.

Got back from Rush yesterday. Fucking awesome. Better than Tool. More stage lights and fireworks and flame throwers. Plus the lasers. Got myself a hat and shirt plus bought 3 Dream Theater CD's in Calgary. Rush played amazing the whole time. They just looked like they were up there having fun and the crowd was going bonkers wanting more. They played a 2 hour set with a short intermission in the middle. I don't care if you don't even like Rush, this is a concert you should see. I payed less for it than I did Tool but got better seats and more music out of it. Plus my throat is still sore from yelling. And Geddy has a video of me saying "TAKE OFF, HOSER!" Well, me and the rest of the crowd. You don't fully understand the drumming madness of Neil Peart, the squeal of Alex Lifesons' guitar or the pure rumble of Geddy's bass and the the power behind his voice until you see them live. It truly is a unique and exceptional experience.

Getting around Calgary was interesting. None of us new where we were going and Jon isn't very good at following a map while your driving. But I guess I'm not good at taking directions either so whatever. We got where we needed to go and that's all that matters. Don't really want to have to do it again all that badly but if I need to get there for another awesome concert I will. We stayed at a campground in Chestermere(suburb of Calgary to the East). It was about 1 hour or more away if you didn't know where you were going and probably 30-40 min if you did. We didn't.

Stormed the first night we camped really bad. Just pured really hard with lot's of really, really loud thunder but even with how hard it poured and our windows being wide open we never got wet...not a drop got inside. It's weird being in a place where there isn't wind.

GOt a raise at work the other day..only 75 cents and part of that was to offset the fact that I have to pay into the benefits package but a bunch of the other guys only got 50 cents so I figure I'm doing ok....Plus with overtime factored in I'll make $1.50 more. I'm ok with that...I'll take everything I can.

1 Idiotic Remarks:

Anonymous Anonymous whined...

You're a bastard and you know it. Just because the stupid government wouldn't give me enough time off and money to go to Rush, you just have to rub it in everyone's face.......bastard.......

Seriously though, they're upgrading the Brandt Center into a real arena, and we've been getting more and more high calibur shows, so maybe Rush will finally decide not to skip Saskatchewan. C'mon man, even the Stones came here.

Saturday, August 04, 2007 8:26:00 a.m.  

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