Sunday, March 04, 2007

Pylonic Records and all that stuff

Not much happening in the world of Andrew. Had to go work on a Flow Line replacement in the Apache field on Friday and Saturday so that kinda ruined my weekend. Hope they pay well. Decided to sit down and do some mixing on Stargazing today. It's the song Jeremy wrote that I've been recording for him. Had to try and teach myself something about vocal compression. I think that's gonna take awhile...or a better compressor than the one Audacity has...but whatever. I hope to buy a good program sometime in the future.

All in all the song is sounding very good. I figure the gold diapers will be coming on soon.

Dog Day Afternoon - Al Pacino stars as the brains behind a bank robbery that goes bad. While trying to figure out how to get him and his partner out of the bank without the police getting them and trying not to get any of the hostages killed he goes through many mentally challenging situations. This movie was a really good movie. a really good story line, keeps you entertained. I give it 8.5 Air conditioners out of 10.

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