
I found out that I wasn't on the blog roll because I wasn't updating enough and I got a bit angry..I apologize to you all, by you've made the list I meant the list has made the list. In other things, here is my list. The first is my most hated but any that follow are in no particular order.

1. The French - Fuckin' frogs, try and teach me french, eh? I'll show you!
2. The Japanese - Mainly those of the Mazda corporation.......MAKE YOUR FUCKING CARS EASIER TO FIX! The rest are alrigth by me, I used to hate them all but that's kinda worn off, but not the Mazda corporation, I guess just mazda should be on the list, not the Japanese.....ok, scratch this one.
'edit' 2. Mazda - See above.
3. Bootsy - Ok, I let you out for more then half an hour so you can take a crap and when I let you back in, within five minutes you had shit in the bathroom.....thanks, really appreciate it.
4. Jeremy - grrrrrrrrrr.
5. Michelle - grrrrrrrrrr.
6. Shanna - your gay.
7. The Cube - Previously known as the Tempo, this car had it all. A busted ventilation system, wobbly tires, bad idle, non-working power windows, broken seat and no way to attach the cd player so there was permanent power, resetting everything every time the car was shut off......and I have now found the faceplate of the cd player that is still in the car, which leads me to my next point.
8. Jared's chair - Sure your comfortable as hell, but you like to steal my stuff, keys, watches, faceplates, phones, money, food. You've taken it all. What's up with that, quit hatin'.
9. A kick in th junk - Ouch, I mean really....ouch.
10. Acer - FUCK YOU!
11. any windows after 98 - FUCK YOU!
12. Steve - Are you even alive anymore? If you don't want to be friends anymore just tell us, it's alright, at least we won't be pissing off your dad by phoning your house all the time. Frankly, were starting to plan your funeral because we figure your dead.

Well, there is my list, or at least the parts I want to show you...tee hee.

X-men 3 - Well, it was the worst one of the three but it wasn't as bad as some people say. Anyone who didn't know wnything about the X-men would have ben lost because they didn't really introduce some of the characters very well(like beast or apocalypse). Also the professy died.....that's not cool. Jean Luc Picard does not die. What the hell. It should have been a bit longer, they should have taken the time to explain these things instead of rushing through the story line like they did. Definitly will be the last one though, too many people died or lost thier powers. I'm gonna give it 6.5 cures out of 10.


Pilot said…
Dude you are so out of the will. My dog needs a new godfather, this one doesn't work.
The Navigator said…
Hey, teach her how to poop properly....I'm, sure every godfather puts thier godchild on the list at one point or another.
Soulfood said…
You really need to fix your grammar. Maybe I'll buy you a book to help you out.

Oh, and buy the way, I made cookies...and you're not getting them!!! Daniel is!! hahahahah. I'm giving them to Joelle to take camping with him and his family. So there! No cookies for you!
Anonymous said…
Well a gay man says tee hee. And I'm kinda shocked I'm not on the list. Guess I'll have to try harder MCPile is a flaming, *snap* flaming homosexual.
Anonymous said…
Woo Hoo I'm below Jeremy!!! I knew you liked me!!! :-) thanks sweetie!!! hehe