Friday, February 24, 2006

Hard work paying off.

Well, the newest Oligodendroglia cd is out. Steve, Jeremy and I were already getting one and Dave is now a new person on the free Oligodendroglia cd's for life. Dave, you can swing by my house to pick it up or I can drop it off or whatever, I'm not sure if you're still home or not. I'll swing by and drop Jeremy's off this afternoon. It sucks being the producer to a couple of gods but I managed to pull it off. The cd's are fucking awesome. The guys have expressed an intrest in putting it up on the net for free seeing as no one has ever actually bought a cd from them. I've been working on putting the original up for them but 0moola is being a bitch. We'll see what happens. These cd's, entitled Oligowhat? Incompetence and Masturbation are magnificent. Incompetence is mainly Flippygrip's cd. The cover and stuff was designed by him and the songs are for him. Masturbation is the same with Alotta. I know Flippy is happy with Incompetence and Alotta enjoys Masturbation. They are both about 45 minutes each. And pure magnificence. If you thought the first was good, prepare to get your mind blown.

And now some movie reviews.

Proof: THis movie is about a girl who's father was a math genius but went crazy in his older years. She is also a math genius and believes she will go crazy too. Her father dies and her sister comes to cart her off to another place just as she is falling in love with another boy, a mathematician. It was a really good movie. There really isn't much to say about it, it was just a good movie. I give it 8 quadratic equations out of 10.

Graveyard ALive: A Zombie Nurse in Love: THis movie is about a nurse who isn't all that popular who gets bitten by a zombie and in turn has an elevated sex drive and looks a hell of a lot better than originally. She eventually begins eating people and a fellow nurse trys to stop her but ends up getting thrown into the insane asylum and it spirals down from there. It is a very low budget movie(black and white) but they did a very good job with the money they had. They didn't try and do anything that wouldn't look good. It's a different twist on the whole zombie thing. As Jeremy put it, it's "Charming" A worthwhile watch. This is one even some of the ladies might like. It's funny and it looks pretty good. I give it 10 zombies out of 10 for effort but 8.5 zombies out of 10 for a final score....go watch this one.

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