Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Curses, my good chum!

Steve claims that in my posts I bitch about something, then say something I've done and that he loves it, so Steve, this one is for you:


Well, on the way to work yesterday(Monday) the heater in my car went out yet again. This is the third time I have been left without an air conditioner, heat, defrost and all that good stuff. It's cost me 53 bucks so far and It's really starting to piss me off. And I don't know when I'll be able to take it in next cause I have to work Sunday-Friday this week and they are closed on weekends. Ya, Jeremy and I are the only two at work that only get 1 day off this week....kinda gay.

Something I've done:

Saw Charlie and the Choclate factory with jon the other day...Johnny Depp is so twisted in that movie. It's great...I'd hang out with him. I give it a 10/10, just cause I like to give high marks. Jeremy and I also rented Silent Hill 4 the other day..we've been playing it and so far have run into 0 story and puzzles that a retard could break through....the biggest puzzle is trying to time yourself to get by these guys that pop out of a wall and swing at you...The worst of the four..although, that said, it still has the creepy mood to it. Still has the ability to scare the fuck out of you. We had some trouble with some other puzzles but they were mostly just stuff we missed when we walked by it or something like that., I give it a 3/10 so far, but we haven't beat it yet so that might change....If you want to play Silent Hill games stick with the first one, they steadily get worse as you go along...2 is still pretty good and 3 is just a copy of 1, with a chick as the main character...oh and in 3 you can unlock a lightsaber which kicks ass!


3 Idiotic Remarks:

Blogger Steven whined...

I love it when people fall right into formula. Kind of like my comment leaving formula is to say something relevant, somewhat trail off, then leave a few blank lines before I say some form of punch line or exclamation...


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 8:35:00 p.m.  
Blogger Pilot whined...

I thought Steve's comment on comment formula was very apt. Like when you go to the bar and sort of see something weird but you were really drunk.


Wednesday, December 14, 2005 1:04:00 a.m.  
Blogger Soulfood whined...

That is the best movie!!! I loved it. I thought it hilarious how the crowd was made up of die hards like me who loved the original, along with a bunch of little kids just out to see a disney movie (Ok, I don't know if it was disney or not, but you get my point).

Wednesday, December 14, 2005 9:54:00 p.m.  

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