Sorry Folks

Sorry I haven't been posting lately. My Computer screen has been on it's death bed. I finally threw it away I should have taken some pictures. ah well. I'm borrowing one of Jeremy's monitors since he had an extra. The posts should be picking up now.

I'm settled in to the new house now. I've got everything in one room, tv, ps2, computer, bed, fish, guitar and the such. It's pretty cool. Although this room smells like a wet rag. I have the entance to the crawl apace in my closet and I think that's where the smell is coming from...I also have the electrical panel.....Mwhahahahahah!!!

Haven't been able to play around with my Acoustic Simulator much seeing as I have been moving, but today I was driving Jeremy around and we wen't to Cleo's(Jeremy's car is roken if your wondering why I was driving him around). Well to both of our suprises there was a Metal Zone sitting there, in front of the rest of the pedals....A king in front of it's subjects. The little tag on it said $100.00. What?? One Hundred Dollars! Those things usually cost $250+ for a new one.....I bought it. It's not every day you find a MT-2 for that cheap. So now I have all the pedals I've really wanted for along time. It's sweet. My guitar sounds ssoooooooooooo nice.

Went up to see the entire Star Wars Saga at Dave's the other day..Only 4 of us watched all six. Jared, Jon, Dave and I. I won a Script for the Radio Dramatization and it matches my Star Wars Dictionary. It's sweet. Jon won a talking Darth Vader piggy bank. It was awesome....Return of the Jedi was almost a chore to watch though because I was so tired and I had been sitting all day. But it was great. There are some pictures on my photo account(link at the side). The should be ther. I'm gonna have some pictures of my old house up anytime now...I might actually go do that right now. You don't have to look at those, they are just for memory's sake.

Well that's all..Alotta Cocka has told me he will probably be posting in the next few days...He has been busy fighting the good fight. See Ya.


Soulfood said…
Good pics of the old house! They made me sad yet not sad.

Sad that I'm never gonna see that old black hilarious phone again.

But not sad, because I could barely even recognize my room anyway, so whatever.