Brian Mulroney

I found this article on

Brian Mulroney thinks Pierre Trudeau "destroyed" Canada, according to a new book based on hundreds of interviews conducted when the former Prime Minister was still in power.

Mulroney also says that he "saved" Canada -- doing more for the nation than any PM before him, except Sir John A. Macdonald, Canada's first Prime Minister.

The book, written by Canadian author Peter C. Newman, is titled "The Secret Mulroney Tapes: Confessions of a Prime Minister," and is on sale now.

Newman, an experienced writer on Canadian politics, has also written books on Prime Ministers John Diefenbaker, Lester B. Pearson, and Pierre Elliot Trudeau himself, whom Mulroney slams in the book as being the one who undermined the failed Meech Lake Accord of 1990.

Mulroney also levels accusations on former opponents and colleagues alike, including former cabinet minister and his eventual successor, Kim Campbell, who he labels as "a very vain person" who ran the "most incompetent campaign I've ever seen in my life."

Ottawa's press corps isn't spared either: Mulroney calls them "a bunch of phoney bastards" who refused to give him credit for apparently brokering the deal between Russia's Mikhail Gorbachev and U.S. President George H.W. Bush that eventually led to the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Funny, eh? I think I am going to set a deadline for the Oligodendroglia contest......Let's say September 31st. It might change if Steve doesn't like it but he's up at school right now and I won't see him till the weekend when he comes home to get his tatoo...bastard going without me. There is a site where you can find the rules and shit for the there is a link to it underneath my kill count on the sidebar.


Soulfood said…
I have to say. I really think Mulroney was a great Prime Minister. And I KNOW that the GST was probably the best thing he did for the country. I agree he's better than Trudeau, by a long shot...Trudeau sucks ass.
Soulfood said…
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The Navigator said…
Trudeau kicked ass! He lived in his parents house until he got into like 50 years old!!
Soulfood said…
Trudeau fucked Western Canada.