Friday, August 19, 2005

Mega Postage

Man I've been posting a lot lately...three in the last three days. I actually don't have too much to say today, I just thought I would tell everyone about Scotchfest. You see, my siblings(Jeremy and Michelle) and a bunch of cousins got together before for a Scotchfest(drunk party) just because they hadn't seen each other in awhile. My grandparents even gavfe them some money. It is happening again only this time it is at Michelle's(my sister) house here in Weyburn and I have been told(and am not arguing against) that I am to go there and get really drunk. It's tommorer night(saturday) and well.....It's gonna be fun.

I'm gonna work on some old Director videos I made in CPT during school to make them look better. Frankly the animation is decent for a guy that didn't know how to work Director very well(so it's shit) and the art is even worse..I'm probably jsut gonna work on the art, I really don't care too much about the animation.

1 Idiotic Remarks:

Blogger Soulfood whined...

Tommorer night hey??? You're dumb. hahaha.

Anyway, I think you should focus on the animation as well as the art. They are equally important.

Friday, August 19, 2005 11:40:00 p.m.  

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